Degree project provides insights on digitalization in water and wastewater management
What is the role of external actors when it comes to digitalization processes in the water sector? A degree project within the framework of Mistra InfraMaint will provide greater understanding.

Emelie Skantz is in her final year of the master’s program in mechanical engineering at KTH, and is taking a master’s degree in industrial economics. This spring she is writing her thesis within the framework of Mistra InfraMaint’s project 2.1 System logic and adaptation of business models in smart maintenance of infrastructure, supervised by our doctoral student Amelie Bennich.
– I have studied a technology profile in energy, which mainly focused on different system perspectives. I hope I can make use of that, says Emelie Skantz.
Her degree project will investigate the role of external actors in the digitalization process in the water sector.
What is the starting point for your thesis?
– Previous studies have shown that there is an innovation deficit in the water and sanitation sector, and this is what inspired my supervisor to formulate the thesis.I thought it sounded very interesting. I have a strong memory from almost 15 years ago when I visited a water treatment plant with my family, it is perhaps a somewhat unusual excursion but it made a strong impression on me – I felt that it was something very important. Working with critical infrastructure is something I am passionate about and want to contribute through. My thesis will investigate the role of external actors in innovating and digitizing the water and sewage industry, so that we can better understand what it looks like. It has been seen that there is a need for external actors to develop, and here you may need to map – to what extent does the water and sewage sector need other industries and actors to digitize or can you do it yourself?
What do you hope your work will contribute to the activities?
– “Right now I am in the start-up phase and will conduct a feasibility study. But I hope to be able to contribute with an insight into how great the need for external actors is, which can also highlight how to work, what weaknesses exist but also the opportunities in using external as well as internal actors.
How have you organized the work?
– Now I’m starting with a preliminary study, I’m reading and doing interviews to get an idea of the whole picture and give me a start so that I can limit and focus the work.In general, I will be doing a lot of interview-based work to understand how different people view the role of external actors. The best knowledge is always with the people who are working on the issues.