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What have we done so far? The Phase 1 final report is here!

We have left Phase 1 behind. In our final report, you can read all about what we have done so far.

Mistra InfraMaint is a ten-year research program on infrastructure maintenance and asset management for road, rail and water. Since the start of Mistra InfraMaint, we have worked for smarter maintenance with data-driven, preventive forecasting and clear cost-benefit analyses. Along the way, a picture has emerged more and more clearly: just
money alone will not be enough to solve the problems, we need skills development, capacity building and digital tools.

The program has now reached a first milestone on the journey towards robust, resilient and sustainable infrastructure. “Phase 1 has been completed and we have come a long way. In our final report, we present the results so far and give an insight into the direction of the future.
Under some easily accessible headings, we present what the journey towards smart maintenance has looked like so far, how we have worked – and what we have seen is needed to continue in the right direction.


You are welcome to read the full report here (in Swedish)