3B Synthesis and learning
For the program to deliver the expected effects, a holistic perspective must be implemented; the program must achieve more than the sum of the different projects. To achieve this, Project 3C has been tasked with creating a framework and actively working to enable good communication, collaboration and learning, thereby maximizing the benefits of the programme.
The annual synthesis and learning workshops from phase 1 will continue, together with project members, PhD students and need owners. The aim is to facilitate interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary collaboration, for example technology + organization + business models but also between the different infrastructure layers.
In addition, separate workshops for the different themes and projects with common methodologies or objectives (e.g. decision support) will be organized. During these annual workshops, the results of the program will be discussed, as well as needs, interests, methods and knowledge transfer, and targeted communication materials will be created from the results.
To reach out with research and project results to municipalities, companies and industry, a palette of methods is needed. In addition to traditional reports and academic publications, short accessible publications such as guidelines, roadmaps and fact sheets will be produced. All projects in the program contribute to this project and the results will benefit both small and large companies and municipalities for example through the competence building in project 3C. We hope to achieve a continuous cycle of research, implementation, feedback and learning throughout the program.
Project categories
Sustainable competence buildingProject status
2023 – 2028
Project manager
Åsa Flydén
Mistra InfraMaint, RISE